
The Cake Bake

by Sharon Constance Fergusson

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Lila adores her dog Scottie, and Scottie adores Lila. Being such a loyal wee chap, he likes to be everywhere that she is, especially when she’s creating in the kitchen! He watches her make a cake which she puts into the oven to bake, then follows her to the living room. All seems well but, unknown to the pair, the cake gets bigger and bigger until it pushes right out of the oven and creates chaos!...UhOh….

About the Author

Sharon Fergusson, author of short story 'Because', awarded an honourable mention in NZ Writers College 2021 Annual Short Story Competition, and creator/producer of children's songs and videos under the name 'The Singing Pipi', writes and illustrates stories from her home studio based high on a hill in Leigh, New Zealand. Influenced by cherished memories of Doctor Suess books, Sunday Stories on Radio, and borrowing as many books as possible from the local library, Sharon's vivid imagination and quirky sense of humour unite to create stories intended to inspire a shared love of books in our youngest readers.

Learn more about Sharon Constance Fergusson...