
He Kupu Taurangi: Treaty Settlements and the Future of Aotearoa New Zealand

by Christopher Finlayson

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As Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations from 2008 to 2017, Christopher Finlayson completed an unprecedented number of settlements with iwi. In 2012 alone, Parliament passed more Treaty legislation than it had over the previous twenty years. Christopher Finlayson gained unique insight into the elements of successful negotiations and was involved in developing legal innovations to reach settlements. In this book, the authors analyse the essential components of settlements, reference particular settlements in looking at themes such as natural resources, co-governance and legal personality, and they discuss the impact of the process and outcomes on the relationship between Maori and the Crown.

About the Author

The Honourable Christopher Finlayson QC LLD BA was elected as a National Party Member of Parliament in 2005 and served as Attorney-General and Minister for Treaty Negotiations (2008-17), Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage (2008-14), Associate Minister of Maori Development (2014-17) and Minister for the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service and Government Communications Security Bureau (2014-17). He retired from Parliament in 2018 to return to legal practice. James Christmas MA LLB is a barrister who was senior ministerial adviser to Christopher Finlayson (2011-16) and to Prime Ministers Sir John Key and Sir Bill English (2016-17).

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