
Te Uruuru Whenua o Ngatoroirangi: 2021

by Chris Winitana

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This is the story, told in te reo Maori, of the arrival of Ngatoroirangi in Aotearoa and his exploration of the landscape and subduing of kaitiaki, such as the guardian of Tarawera, Tamaohoi; the guardian of water on Kaingaroa, Torepatutai; and the King of the Patupaiarehe, fairy folk, Ririo. This adventure story traces the places Ngatoroirangi travelled through, such as Waimahunga, the large spring where he conducted his cleansing ceremonies, and Te Wharua o Ngatoroirangi, where his footprints are still visible in the land today.

About the Author

Award-winning author Chris Winitana (Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngai Tuhoe) is a te reo Maori and tikanga Maori consultant, writer and journalist, and a music and television producer. He has been actively involved in the revitalisation of the Maori language, having taught at various levels and written many Maori language readers, radio play series, children's programmes, and literacy resources and books.

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