

by Cassie Hart

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Something is drawing Jena Benedict's family to darkness. Her mother, father, brother and baby sister are killed in a barn fire, and Grandmother Rose banishes Jena from the farm. Now, twenty years on Rose is dying, and Jena returns home with her boyfriend Cade in tow. Jena wants answers about why she was sent away and about what really happened on the night of the fire. Will, Rose's live-in caregiver, has similar questions. He hunts for the supernatural, and he knows something sinister lurks in the Benedict homestead. Like Rose, Will has experienced childhood tragedy. Soon, Jena and Will unearth mysteries: a skull, a pocket-watch, a tale of the Dark Man and a tiding of magpies. The duo learn Rose's secrets and confront an evil entity that has been set loose. It infects Cade and intends to destroy Rose and her whole clan. Full of tension and psychological thrills, Butcherbird is tale about uncovering truths and unshackling guilt.

About the Author

Cassie Hart (Kai Tahu) is a writer of speculative fiction. Her short stories have appeared in several award-winning anthologies, and she was a finalist for both the Sir Julius Vogel and Australian Shadow Awards. In 2018, Cassie took part in the Te Papa Tupu writing programme. A fan of coffee, cats and zombies, Cassie lives in Taranaki. Butcherbird is her first novel.

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