Tools For The Top Paddock
by Kane Brisco
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Farmer Kane Brisco's tools for the physical and mental strains of life on the land.
'Kane's journey of wisdom is both relatable and of high value' - DOUG AVERY, The Resilient Farmer
When Kane Brisco was at his lowest ebb, he could barely even look at his stock. He stood in the middle of a paddock, with water flowing over his boots, trying to comprehend how many days of rain he'd endured without a break. Three weeks later, the ground had turned to concrete, split by huge cracks. Consumed by a myriad of problems, the weather tipping him over the edge, Kane lost confidence in his own ability and didn't know if he could financially survive. Every day felt like a disaster and, even at the end of the day when he was at home with his family, his mind was still out on the farm, worrying about his animals. Farmers have to make tough decisions on a daily basis while shouldering a mountain of pressure alone. Good physical health and strength might lead to better all-round resilience, but often farmers are so concerned with doing the right things for their animals that they forget about looking after themselves. What Kane Brisco came to realise is how important 'farm fitness' is to coping with the daily challenges and unpredictability of life on the land. In Tools for the Top Paddock, Kane shares the experiences that made him almost quit farming, along with the simple methods he developed for dealing with the mental and physical strains of life on the land. He offers advice for people doing it tough, as well as how to build the fitness required to thrive in good times and bad.
About the Author
Kane Brisco is a Taranaki farmer and father of three. He started his farmer-support page, Farm Fit, to create awareness around the importance of talking about the daily pressures of farming. A former rugby player, boxer and qualified personal trainer, Kane also runs fitness boot camps and paddock sessions for his local community. Instagram: @farmfit_nz Facebook: @FarmFitNZ