
What Sort of Man

by Breton Dukes

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A young father high on Ritalin longs to leap into the tiger enclosure. A teacher who has been stood down for accessing porn on a school computer wants to re-establish contact with his teenage daughter. A carer out on a day trip is desperate to find a working toilet for his adult charge. What Sort of Man is a potent collection of stories that goes head to head with the crisis of contemporary masculinity, and is as exhilarating as it is harrowing.

About the Author

In 2011 Breton Dukes' first collection of critically acclaimed short stories, Bird North, was published. That year, Breton was also the recipient of the Creative New Zealand Louis Johnson Writer's Bursary. Empty Bones (2014), a novella and five short stories, is his second book. Breton lives with his wife in Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin. He is a telephonist for the government. His interests include rabbit shooting, tenting and cookery.

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