A Photographic Guide to Birds of New Zealand
by Geoff Moon
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A reprint under a new ISBN, this fully revised edition with species accounts has been updated according to the 4th edition of the Ornithological Society's official Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand. The many changes include updates to classification, distribution and population status. Maori names have now also been added for all species, where applicable. Although not intended to take the place of a more in-depth field guide, the book features photographs of the most commonly seen birds along with detailed information on distribution, habitat, behaviour and breeding. Each bird is illustrated with at least one colour photograph to aid identification, and in many cases photographs also show the birds in their habitat - nesting, feeding and socialising.
About the Author
Geoff Moon, OBE, Hon. FPSNZ (1915-2009) was an outstanding natural history photographer and author best known for his many major works on birds, including New Zealand: Land of Birds and New Zealand Forest Birds and their World. His wife Lynnette Moon, worked very closely with him on his many books and authored Know your New Zealand Birds. She has overseen this new edition with additional input from natural heritage scientist, Tim Lovegrove