A Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand
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A Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand showcases the flowers that add so much to the attractions of walking in New Zealand's alpine zone. The ideal size for slipping into a backpack when tramping, A Photographic Guide to Alpine Plants of New Zealand will appeal to walkers, nature lovers, tour guides and educators, and flower photographers wishing to identify their subjects.
About the Author
Lawrie Metcalf (1928-2017) was one of New Zealand's most highly regarded horticulturists and had been awarded many national and international honours. This included the Loder Cup and the Royal Society's Gold Veitch Memorial Medal for services to horticulture. He was the author of numerous books, including A Photographic Guide to Trees, A Photographic Guide to Ferns, as well as Know your New Zealand Trees and Know your New Zealand Native Plants.