Friends Indeed
by Sue Allison
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"This beautiful and touching book, through a series of 41 interviews, tells the stories of dogs working in assistance roles, helping their human friends when they are most in need. They guide those who cannot see and listen for those who cannot hear. They carry out physical tasks for people with mobility issues, offer emotional support for those struggling to cope with life’s challenges and are the everwatchful companions for those suffering from medical conditions. The dogs in these pages have both saved lives and allowed lives to be fully lived, and the ripples of their goodness spreads far beyond their specific roles. These are tales of courage and heroism, but above all they are love stories showing the remarkable things that can happen when bonds of friendship run deep. Assistance dogs are trained to help people facing a range of challenges lead more independent, fulfilling lives. Most have undergone intense training for their roles, but they are far more than trained assistants. They are dogs. At once perceptive and heroic, glorious and goofy, they help their human friends eagerly and unconditionally. Through a series of 41 inspiring and heartbreaking interviews author Sue Allison reveals the unique bond between people and their assist dogs, the heart-warming and funny moments they have shared as they negotiate life together, and the transformative effect the dogs have had on people’s lives. These are tales of courage and heroism, but above all they are love stories showing the remarkable things that can happen when bonds of friendship run deep. "
About the Author
Sue Allison is a journalist and award-winning freelance writer whose work has appeared in many magazines. She is author of Secrets of Small Gardens.