The Nomad's Ultimate Guide to New Zealand
by Lisa Jansen
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p>a href="http://newhollandpublishers.com/nomadnz_sample.pdf" />b>Preview First Chapter/a>/b>/p> p>At one time or another many New Zealanders have dreamed about the time when they can pack up and leave - get away from the rat race, jump aboard a camper van and travel around this beautiful country. More often than not, they talk about the dream of travelling around New Zealand and visiting sights and places they ve so longed for over all these years./p> p> /p> p>Be it part-time, fulltime or periodic, becoming a Nomad will allow you to, hopefully, experience one of the greatest new adventures of your life travelling the most amazing, open and picturesque countries in the world, NEW ZEALAND./p> p> /p> p>It s very likely that many New Zealander s will choose this way of living, as there s always been a bit of a nomad inside most Kiwi s waiting to get out out of a city or a town, out of a rut or out of a way of living that isn t working for them anymore./p> p>If it s not on their bucket list, it should be!/p> p> /p> p>As a New Zealander, if you are planning on travelling in a caravan, motorhome, campervan, camper trailer, fifth wheeler or a tent around New Zealand, this book covers it all, including:/p> ul> li>Choosing your vehicle. Which RV is right for you?/li> li>Managing Budgets/li> li>The complete checklist prior to embarking/li> li>Lifestyle changes and expectations/li> li>Meeting people and making new friends/li> li>Food on the road/li> /ul> p> New Zealand Regions and Climate/p> p> Leaving it all behind!/p> p>strong>Lisa Jansen /strong> Experienced Journalist, writer, explorer and passionate Nomadder details the Do s, Don t s and Preparations required prior to taking the plunge in the Nomadic lifestyle./p> p>As Lisa says: Contributing to THE NOMAD S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO NEW ZEALAND felt like the perfect opportunity to give something back to the lifestyle and community that has given me so much, while also helping more people discover and try out nomadding. I really believe that this lifestyle whether you do it part-time or permanently has so much to offer to such a wide variety of people./p>
About the Author
Lisa Jansen is an experienced Journalist, writer, explorer and passionate Nomadder.