
Grandpa's Noises

by Gareth St John Thomas

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Children love laughing about body noises. In Grandpa’s Noises, a range of sounds and words coming from body and mouth are explained in a warm and funny intergenerational romp. Children look at life with open, honest eyes but sometimes it takes a bit of thinking and code-breaking to work out what’s really going on. Fortunately, for this particular grandchild, while Grandpa’s noises might be a mystery to many, he knows just what they mean! For example, ‘Eyenolessgofurawark’ is obviously Grandpa-speak for ‘I know, let’s go for a walk’. ‘Aaaahhh’ means the cup of tea is just perfect, and ‘Pissphusshawertt’ is that sinking sound Grandpa makes when he needs a rest in his chair. And once you know that ‘Eeeawoscreech!’ is actually the sound of a misbehaving hearing aid, Grandpa becomes a lot less scary and even more lovable. Of course some sounds — like the ‘Fffffffft’ that sometimes escapes Grandpa’s bottom, and Dad’s — need no explanation!

About the Author

Gareth St John Thomas is the founder of Exisle Publishing and EK Books and has spent his life immersed in the world of books and publishing. Colin Rowe is a graphic designer and illustrator who has worked in various design and advertising agencies and now runs his own company, Corvus Design Services. Throughout his career, Colin’s images for children have appeared in a multitude of marketing publications and products throughout the UK.

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