
A Love Quilt: Later Faith Patches

by Trish Mcbride

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Do you wrestle with institutional religion but have a desire to encounter God as Divine Love? Trish’s book of distilled wisdom, from her 70-year spiritual journey, will encourage and support you on your own journey. Her stories, poems and liturgies will engage you deeply and challenge you to look at your life story and direction. “Within Trish’s central theme of love, come some refreshing and diverse contexts, e.g. working alongside mental health consumers; engaging with people of different faiths and ethnicities and those in our community who identify as LGBTI. We find subjects as varied as quantum physics, cosmology, ecology, evolution and interspirituality. Although social justice is the backbone of Trish’s faith in action; contemplation, mysticism and playing with metaphors of the Nameless One, are also essential companions on her journey of love. I challenge you to lovingly pick up this book and be prepared to be refreshed.” Heather Sangster-Smith, Educator, Advocate, Facilitator “This is a work of such richness and spiritual insight… Trish McBride has opened her story and her soul to her readers and enabled us all to profit from her deep understanding of her own pilgrimage. … In many ways Trish’s story is so different from my own, that it was surprising and exciting to discover that her bold experiments, her deep experiences and her explorations have significant benefit even for those of us who have gone in different directions.” Peter Lineham, MNZM, Emeritus Professor of History “… A Love Quilt gives witness to the power of Divine Love in all its rawness. As Trish shares her many sacred encounters with Divine Love, she draws on her deep experience of life in personal relationships, through creation, community, and social justice. She shares her journey with us into and out of institutional religion, and her evolving understanding of what it means to be Christian of which she says: “It’s so challenging, yet so simple: Love one another as I have loved you!” Dr Bernadette Miles, Co-founder and Director of Kardia Formation P/L, Australia Member, Coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International

About the Author

Trish McBride spent more than 25 years as a lay chaplain in workplaces, a hospice and a mental health context, and is a retired counsellor and spiritual director. Formal studies included an MA (Hons) in Classics, Diploma in Pastoral Ministry, and recognition as an Associate in Christian Ministry (interdenominational). Her articles and academic papers have appeared in several periodicals in Aotearoa NZ and elsewhere. She was awarded third prize in The (London) Tablet’s international John Harriott religious journalism competition in 1993, and contributed chapters to five Catholic-based New Zealand theology books by Accent Publications between 2008 and 2016. These writings have been gathered and supplemented to be the basis of what has now become an accidental trilogy, recording her spiritual journey for most of the last 70 years. Faith Evolving (2005) covered 30 years from the 1970s. Exploring the Presence went backwards, forwards and very widely. And now A Love Quilt covers the last decade. She is passionate about Social Justice, the well-being and stories of women and other marginalised people. She enjoys family, nurturing her friendships, reading, swimming, and walking, as well making quilts, three of which have appeared on the covers of her books.

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