
Ten Plays +: Short, easy dramas for churches

by Rosalie Sugrue

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Lay preacher Rosalie Sugrue’s 14 short plays and meditations are ideal to present in church. They encourage us to engage with Bible and historical characters and explore important themes. Staging is simple. Few props or costumes are required. Unless marked [Adults] these play readings are suitable for children to present. Most work best with a combination of children and adults. This revised and expanded 2021 edition includes two new plays: How Lay Preaching Began & Go and Tell, a new Advent Prayer and a new section Story Telling in Church with tips about dramatizing Bible readings and other stories. The plays are:  Mary Jones’ Walk: Relive the story of the 15-year-old Welsh girl who walked 25 miles in search of a Bible and helped inspire the founding of Bible Society.  When The Treaty came to Mangungu: An historic event told from the perspective of Rev John Hobbs’ 11-year-old daughter Emma.  Easter Women [Adults]: Listen in on five women who may have shared a room on that Saturday night so long ago: Mary of Nazareth – the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene alias Mary of Bethany, the ‘other’ Mary, Joanna and Salome.  ANZAC Day: Two children learn more about their family connection with World War One. Suitable for presenting in church when reflecting on war.  The Wesley Saga: A rhyming romp through the family history of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, sons John and Charles and their sisters.  [New] How Lay Preaching Began: A dialogue between John Wesley and his mother Susanna Wesley. John is upset that Thomas Maxwell, a layperson, has preached at The Foundery without his permission. It also includes notes about Susanna’s later years, The Foundery and Lay Preachers.  [New] Go and Tell: The Woman of Samaria meets other village women at the well and explains how her meeting with Jesus has changed her life. She also regains the friendship of these women who had previously shunned her.  A Peace Presentation [Adults]: Monologues of two women from the scrolls of Hebrew Scriptures and two from the pages of New Zealand history. Ordinary women who by wit and will were each peace achievers.  Mahlah & Sisters: A justice issue Bible story for any time of year. Five capable daughters successfully lobby for women to be able to own land.  Mahlah & Sisters (B) – The Daughters of Zelophehad: The same story told in less words. For devotions at fellowships, house groups and youth groups.  Christmas Women [Adults]: Multiple uses during Advent. Five meditations of women sharing their encounters with Mary for use in advent worship: Elizabeth (Mary’s cousin) talks with Anna; Anne (Mary’s mother); Woman Traveller; Inn-keeper’s Wife; Anna (the prophetess).  No Room: Makes a thought-provoking link between refugees arriving by boat at Christmas Island and Mary & Joseph finding no room at the inn.  A Christmas Story: 13 stick puppets. Theme: God is with us.  A Christmas Story (B): a second version of A Christmas Story with 9 separate pages of 9 separate scripts for 9 people

About the Author

Rosalie May Sugrue is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is a retired teacher and motelier with a background in Bible study. Rosalie is a past National Programme Convenor of the NZ Methodist Women’s Fellowship; a past Vice President of NZMWF, is a past Wellington District Convenor of MWF and currently co-facilitator of Kapiti’s Afternoon Women’s Fellowship; an active lay preacher, a past President of the NZ Lay Preachers Association; the inaugural Facilitator of the NZ Methodist Lay Preachers Network, a past member of the Churches Agency on Social Issues; and a past member of the Community of Women and Men in Church and Society. Retired to the Kapiti Coast Rosalie has been active in MWF, National Council of Women, Victim Support and U3A. She has plays, poems, prayers, Bible puzzles and articles published in many church magazines in NZ including a regular Bible Challenge puzzle in Touchstone. She also has work included in devotional anthologies in Canada, the UK and the US. Her prayers have been used in diverse national conferences including Baptist Women in America and Bishops in Ireland.

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