
Progressing the Journey: Lyrics and Liturgy for a Conscious Church

by Susan Jones

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Are you looking for fresh, original hymn lyrics and liturgy for your church? Would you like to celebrate diverse ways of being fully human in a loving faith community? Is your church ready to explore current ideas about God - not just male, not up there, but down here with us - creation, Jesus & theology? Then these 42 hymns, 70 gatherings, affirmations, and blessings; along with poems & reflections, will provide a valuable resource to support your worship ministry. Susan's lyrics, set to familiar tunes, have been used at a Presbytery inauguration, in communion, at anniversaries, for baptisms and for a same sex wedding. They have featured in Pride services, Transgender Day of Remembrance commemorations, during Bible Month and throughout the Season of Creation. Susan's kitset hymn ln our world we find delight, written for original music by Vivien Chiu, covers the whole Season of Creation 3-year cycle. Her lyrics and liturgy mark the seasons of the church year in unusual ways as well as celebrating: questioning, rainbow themes, faith stages, the cosmos, diverse orientations and identities, gender equality, 21st century reformation, interfaith connection, prodigals, postmodern church, endangered species, and the importance of finding the Self by going deep within.

About the Author

Poet, writer, musician, minister and spiritual guide, Rev Dr Susan Jones is passionate that faith be sung and spoken authentically in our context of today's Aotearoa New Zealand. During her 25 years of ordained ministry, Susan developed skills in curating worship which blend theology, metaphor, and context with inclusive spirituality. Meeting the spiritual and pastoral needs of people in LGBTQI community has been a particular focus. Through her contemporary lyrics and liturgy, Susan has encouraged her parish churches to progress in their inclusive journey. Now retired to Dunedin, Susan is devoting her time to writing and has 4 books recently released and forthcoming in 2022.

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