The King's Medal
by Maria Gill
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Poppa reveals a war medal in his hand to his grandson. Manu asks, 'Did you win it? 'Sort of, a King gave it to me,' the old man says. He then tells Manu how his Anzac platoon rescued the Greek King, Prime Minister and the rest of their party on a Greek Island during World War II. It's a perilous journey trekking from one side of the island to the other, trudging up a ravine, across the White Mountains, and through a narrow gorge. They must avoid the German paratroopers landing in their thousands on the island and renegade Crete mountaineers who shoot at them, mistaking them for Germans. Due to the kindness of the village people and the dedication of the Anzac soldiers they make it to the coast and send out SOS signals. But they don't know if the ship is friend or foe. Manu discovers a tale of bravery, teamwork and sacrifice and sees his grandfather in a new light.
About the Author
Maria Gill has written 60 books for the Australasian and international markets. Her book 'Anzac Heroes' won the 2016 Book of the Year prize as well as the nonfiction award. 'New Zealand Hall of Fame' won the 2012 Children's Choice (nonfiction category) and ten books have been selected as Storylines Notable Books. She grew up in New Zealand, lived in a caravan in the outback of Australia during her teenage years and backpacked around the world in her early 20s. Maria has had an eclectic career as a typist, teacher, and a nanny in Greece. Now, she's a fulltime writer living in a seaside village north of Auckland, New Zealand writing fulltime and visiting schools. While researching 'The King's Medal' she travelled to Crete and walked parts of the trek the Anzac soldiers and the King fled across while escaping the Nazis.