
Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand

by Buddy Mikaere

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Buddy Mikaere provides a highly readable historical overview of early settlement in New Zealand, and examines the impact of colonisation and later a developing urban world on Maori and their traditional way of life.   Today, the importance of marae and community remains strong, as do many time-honoured rituals.   The renaissance of Maori culture has included the revival of the language and the flourishing of creative arts, including:   whakairo - carving kapa haka and haka - performing arts waka ama - outrigger canoe racing ta moko - tattooing music, arts and crafts.   Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand introduces visitors and locals alike to the culture and customs of Maori in contemporary New Zealand.  

About the Author

Buddy Mikaere has has whakapapa links to Ngati Pukenga, Ngati Ranginui, Ngati Pikiao and Tuhoe. He has an environmental consultancy with a national client base specialising in infrastructure projects. He has published widely and with White Cloud Books has edited Taonga Tuku Iho and written Te Maiharoa and the Promised Land and the hugely popular Victory at Gate Pa? in association with fellow author Cliff Simons.  

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