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Legendary catgirl and head of the witchy Runes, Matilda Peppercorn, is called to some mSWAGGey action when a swarm of strange visitors arrive at the School of I.C.E. with a message. Someone, somewhere is waking up. But who? Scotland's mysterious fairy folk and famous monsters? The race known only as 'the Others' who terrify all witchkind? Or something much, much worse? Yes, yes ... and yes! Terrible trials are sweeping across the world. It's going to take a team effort to fight off what's awoken - if Tilly's old friends and her new team of SWAGG can stop fighting with each other! Because Tilly's been woken up too. She's always been a legend, but now, with SWAGG, she's about to discover her ultimate destiny...
About the Author
Jill Marshall is the author of the best-selling Jane Blonde series, the award-winning Doghead trilogy, and many other books for children, young adults and adults. Her middle-grade series about sensational girl spy, Jane Blonde, published by Macmillan Children's Books UK, has sold hundreds of thousands of copies around the world, featured as a World Book Day title and reached the UK Times Top 10 for all fiction. Jane Blonde is currently undergoing some exciting Wower-ish transformations. Jill has now brought Jane together with her other superhero characters - Jack B-C aka Doghead, Legendary Catgirl Matilda Peppercorn, Prince Stein of Stein & Frank , and mysterious leader Gideon Flynn - in a fantastic new ensemble series, SWAGG. When she's not writing books, Jill is a comms consultant, proud mum and G-Nana. She divides her time between the UK and New Zealand, and hopes one day to travel between the two by SatiSPI, ESPIdrilles or Jack B-C Zzzippp.