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My journey into law and matauranga is one more defined by absence, understanding of loss, whakama, accident and a sense of coming in from the cold, than by any programmatic acquisition of expertise. This collection of writing from Mamari Stephens (Te Rarawa) travels through introspection, loss and doubt, to present striking moments of insight into the world around us. From one of New Zealand's most perceptive legal scholars, these are words that question neat categorisations and easy assumptions. Karearea returns, always, to the ground, the people, the experiences that make up a life of learning, and to the stories that we tell ourselves.
About the Author
Mamari Stephens is a Aohunuku/Reader in Law at Te Kauhanganui Tatai Ture/Faculty of Law, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. A significant contributor to Te Kaupapa Reo-a-Ture/The Legal Maori Project, she recently completed the first comprehensive textbook on social security law. Mamari is a Kaimanaaki, pirihi/Maori chaplain and Anglican priest, and regular writer for e-Tangata and her own blog: Sparrowhawk/Karearea (www.sparrowhawkkarearea.com).