The Story of a Treaty | He Korero Tiriti
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The Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a central document in New Zealand history. This lively account tells the story of the Treaty from its signing in 1840, through the debates and struggles of the nineteenth century, to the gathering political momentum of recent decades. The third edition of The Story of a Treaty/He Korero Tiriti takes the narrative out to a wide audience, using a concise format with rich illustration. Explaining the role of the Treaty up to the present day, this book will continue as a superb introduction to Treaty history for future generations.
About the Author
Dame Claudia Orange is one of New Zealand's most distinguished historians. After publishing her first, award-winning history 'The Treaty of Waitangi' in 1987, she became General Editor of the 'Dictionary of New Zealand Biography', released five volumes with the Maori biographies also in te reo Maori. A director at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa for many years, she is now a research associate with the museum. Dame Claudia has received many awards and honours for her contribution to a wider understanding of our history, which includes research for the He Tohu and Te Kongahu Museum of Waitangi exhibitions. In 2021, Dame Claudia was awarded the Prime Minister's Literary Award for Literary Achievement (Non-fiction).