
Ethnic Flames of the Burning Bush: An Exploration of Ethnic Relations in Congregations of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

by Tokerau Joseph

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Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the intricate intersections of culture, faith, and identity with Ethnic Flames of the Burning Bush. In this compelling book, the author, drawing from personal experience and extensive research, delves into the challenging dynamics of cross-cultural relations within church congregations, offering insights that will resonate beyond the borders of New Zealand. At the heart of the book lies a poignant exploration of the fundamental questions surrounding Christian identity. How do congregations navigate the challenge of preserving cultural authenticity while fostering a united faith community? The author grapples with these questions, addressing issues of language, tradition, and the very essence of ecclesiology – the theology of the Church. The title, Ethnic Flames of the Burning Bush, encapsulates the central theme. Drawing inspiration from the emblem of the PCANZ – the burning bush from Exodus – the author explores the metaphor of ethnic flames ablaze within congregations. Much like the burning bush that defies expectation by remaining unconsumed, the ethnic flames challenge preconceived notions about the church's nature and purpose. The book guides readers through a comprehensive exploration. Starting with a review of global and New Zealand-specific research on ethnic relations in religious communities, the journey progresses to a deep dive into Christological and Trinitarian ecclesiology. It then navigates through the structures and processes of the PCANZ at various levels, before reaching the congregational level where the impact of ethnic relations becomes palpable. Readers will find themselves compelled to reflect on their own religio-ethnic experiences, transcending denominational boundaries. The author provides not just a critical examination of the challenges but also offers thoughtful insights and practical suggestions for fostering unity in diversity. Ethnic Flames of the Burning Bush is an invitation to engage in a transformative dialogue about the nature of the church, cultural diversity, and the shared journey of faith. Whether you are a member of the PCANZ or part of another Christian denomination, this book promises to spark meaningful reflections on the intricacies of congregational life in our increasingly diverse world.

About the Author

Tokerau brings extensive leadership experience to this work of practical theology. He has been an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand for 24 years serving in mostly ethnically and culturally diverse congregations. He is of Cook Islands, Scottish, and English heritage, a husband to Tangi, father of five children, and grandfather to seven grandchildren.

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