Maranga! Maranga! Maranga! The Call to Maori History: Essays from Te Pouhere Korero, 1999-2023
by Aroha Harris
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Celebrating over three decades of Māori scholarship, Essays from Te Pouhere Korero, edited by Aroha Harris and Melissa Matutina Williams, draws on work published by the collective Te Pouhere Korero in the journal of the same name. Writers include Rawinia Higgins, Melissa Matutina Williams, Arini Loader, Nepia Mahuika, Alice Te Punga Somerville, Rachel Buchanan, Aroha Harris, Hirini Kaa and Peter Meihana. Their essays speak to a critical understanding of the past that is rooted in matauranga Māori and underscores the foundational nature of Māori history in shaping Aotearoa New Zealand.
About the Author
Aroha Harris (Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi) lectures in history at Waipapa Taumata Rau-University of Auckland. She is co-author with Atholl Anderson and Judith Binney of the award-winning Tangata Whenua: An Illustrated History (2014). Melissa Matutina Williams (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Maru) is an independent historian and author of the award-winning Panguru and the City: Kainga Tahi, Kainga Rua An Urban Migration History (2015).