
Ko Aotearoa Te Turangawaewae: Aotearoa is My Place of Standing

by David Riley

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Fifteen Maori young people worked with teacher-writer David Riley, to
bring you this book - Ko Aotearoa Te Turangawaewae.
The stories they've written demonstrate their immense pride in being Maori. You'll read about beloved ancestors, the importance of Te
Tiriti o Waitangi, whakairo, how to catch kina, their love for their language,
dance, and culture, and their dreams of a great future. Come and
share the beauty of Te Ao Maori with them.

About the Author

The book was written by students of Wiri Central School in South Auckland, New Zealand. It was edited by David Riley and translated into te reo Maori by Tane Karamaina.

Learn more about David Riley...