
Tokelau Toku Tupuaga Fakapelepele: Tokelau My Treasured Heritage

by David Riley

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'I'm happy I learned these things about pa and now I know my own pa is hikuuli. I can name other people's pa too. This makes me treasure my pa even more and I always wear it with pride.' (Puanaualowha Ioane) Twelve Tokelau young people worked with teacher-writer, David Riley, to bring you this book - Tokelau Toku Tupuaga Fakapelepele. The stories they've written demonstrate their immense pride in their Tokelau heritage. You'll read about a beloved ancestor, a trip to Tokelau, making panikeke palu ota with Nana, and their love for their language, dance and culture. Come and share the beauty and excellence of Tokelau with them.