
Thanks for Coming

by Rodney Strong

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17 year old Levi Collins has been able to joke his way out of most things in life. Until he’s diagnosed with terminal cancer. Faced with something so terrifying he does the only thing he can think of. He decides to track down Fear and tell it to get lost. His only clue, a whisper of a myth, and a drawing. His best friend Mel thinks he’s crazy, but it’s not the first time she’s thought that. And she’s still going to help him. Along the way he discovers some things about his friend, and himself. Thanks for Coming is a bittersweet tale of friendship, fear, and working out what’s important.

About the Author

Rodney Strong quit a 9-5 job in 2016 to finally pursue his life long dream of becoming a writer (he still has the very first play he wrote at age 6). He lives in Porirua, New Zealand, with his wife, two children, and two cats. When he's not writing he attempts to stay away from chocolate, runs (sometimes), reads, and enjoys spending time with his young children (who contribute a lot to the running and craving for chocolate). One of his cats likes to help with the process by sitting on the laptop, while the other likes nesting on his shoulders (which was cute when he was a kitten, but now the cat is 11 years old, is less so).

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