
Tess's Tours - Aussie Outback: A true story of a group of Seniors travelling in the Outback of Australia

by Sue Towler

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Whenever someone asks me what the most memorable tour was during my 15 years as a tour operator and tour guide, I never hesitate to say - this one - THE FLINDERS AND BIRDSVILLE TOUR. When I look back on it, I often wonder how we got away with it. This is a true story of a group of Kiwi Seniors on a bus trip through Outback Australia in 2008. The travelers survived, sadly the bus did not.

About the Author

I am retired and living in a beautiful seaside village in New Zealand. I started writing in 2000 and have since self-published four New Zealand Historic Fiction novels, two travel stories, based on my 15 years as a tour operator, and one murder mystery novel. I am currently working on a third travel story.

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