Lou and Eustace
by Pat Backley
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This is the second book in my ANCESTORS series.
Although these books are fictional, many of the people and events mentioned in them are real. Without our ancestors, all the people who went before us, there would be no such stories to tell. This tale begins in the late 1800's and continues through to 1984.
"His family had lived and worked in Southwark for generations. The cobbled streets, old lanes and alleyways, and the River Thames, had been his world - the only world he had ever desired."
"Although she had grown up in Peabody Buildings, maybe she didn't have to spend her whole life there after all. Her Eustace had been brave enough to see the world, maybe it was time she pulled up her socks and did something brave too."
"The Roaring Twenties were in full swing. Now, all the young women - and many of the older ones - had shortened their skirts, chopped off their long hair, and thrown away their horrible constricting laced corsets. Marcel waves, short bobs, flapper dresses, and the Charleston, quickly became the order of the day."
About the Author
Pat Backley is an author, born in England but now based in Auckland, New Zealand. She is a mother to one beautiful daughter. Passionate about people and travelling the world, she has spent 70 years living a colourful and interesting life and her books reflect these passions. She has always been fascinated by social history and the lives of ordinary people and believes their stories should be told. "It is a way of honouring my ancestors. They have no voice, so I will make sure their stories are heard." Her published books include DAISY a historical family saga (1887 -1974) and her own memoirs: FROM THERE TO HERE, WITH AN AWFUL LOT IN BETWEEN. She has also co-authored: THE WARRIOR WOMEN PROJECT. A SISTERHOOD OF IMMIGRATION To learn more about Pat, visit her website: www.patbackley.com