2024 Storylines Notable Book Awards announced
The annual Storylines Notable Books list, representing the very best books for children and young adult published in the last twelve months, has been released by the Storylines Children’s Literature Trust Te Whare Waituhi Tamariki o Aotearoa.
“Congratulations to all the creators and publishers of this year’s award winners”, says Storylines Trust chair, Christine Young. “These are impressive lists of excellent books in all categories, testament to the strength of local children’s and young adult publishing.
“The Junior Fiction Notable Books are an especially strong and varied selection this year. Many are laugh-out-loud funny, while others prompt thought and contemplation. It’s great to see experienced authors Stacy Gregg, Leonie Agnew and James Russell alongside debut authors, such as Claire Mabey and Shelly Burne-Field. And equally pleasing that popular series continue to stand out, with previous books featuring in the 2023 lists.
“In picture books, the illustrations are as important as the text and the judges noted that all those awarded showed ‘interesting layout, good technical ability, and those little extras in the illustrations that go beyond just reflecting the text”.
“This year we received a relatively high number of activity books that were successful in becoming a Storylines Notable Book. Each of these was different, with depth of content offering wide appeal to families, kura, and the young readers themselves while also learning more about the seashore, backyard, or one’s culture.
”It is so important that our tamariki and rangatahi enjoy reading – and equally important that they have access to high quality books that reflect and broaden their experience of growing up in New Zealand. All the books listed this year will do that.”
The Non-fiction genre was also considered particularly strong, judges impressed with the overall production quality and variety of interesting topics, including New Zealand fauna, explorers, wellbeing and activity books. Many of the books are suitable across wide age ranges and reading environments: family home, schools and kura with educators. Quality of illustrations, use of te reo Māori and richness of language made many of the books worthy of selection.
With only a small number of young adult novels submitted, just two have been named Storylines Notable books.
Storylines Notable Books for 2024 cover books published from 16 November 2023 to 15 November 2024. They are selected in five genres (picture books, junior fiction, young adult, non-fiction and books in te reo Māori) by expert panels of teachers, booksellers, authors, academics, and librarians from across the country.
The lists provide excellent reading and buying guides for anyone wanting to encourage
young people read for pleasure and information.
The Storylines Notable Books 2024 are:

Dear Moko: Māori wisdom for our young ones, Dr Hinemoa Elder, Miriama Grace-Smith (Penguin
Random House NZ)
Piki te Ora: Your Wellbeing Journal, Hira Nathan, Jessie Eyre, Huriana Kopeke-Te Aho (Allen &
Kiwi Bees Have Tiny Knees: Native Bees of Aotearoa New Zealand, Rachel Weston (Weston Books)
Kuwi & Friends He Puka Ngohe Activity Book, Kat Quin, Pānia Papa (translator) (Illustrated
The Beach Activity Book: 99 Ideas for Activities by the Water Around Aotearoa New Zealand, Rachel
Haydon, Pippa Keel (Te Papa Press)
Play Wild: Nature Craft Projects for Tamariki, Rachel Clare (Bateman Books)
Tasting With Your Feet, Ned Barraud (Potton & Burton)
My Matariki Colouring & Activity Book, Dr Rangi Matamua, Miriama Kamo, Isobel Joy Te Aho-White
(Scholastic New Zealand)
Te Reo Māori

A Ariā me te Atua o te Kūmara, Witi Ihimaera, Isobel Joy Te Aho-White, Hēni Jacob (translator),
(Penguin Random House NZ)
Ngā Kupenga a Nanny Rina, Qiane Matata-Sipu, Isobel Joy Te Aho-White (Penguin Random House
Titiro / Look, Gavin Bishop (Gecko Press)
Kuwi & Friends He Puka Ngohe Activity Book, Kat Quin, Pānia Papa (translator) (Illustrated
Rere Atu Taku Poi! - Let My Poi Fly!, Tangaroa Paul, Rebecca Gibbs (Oratia Books)
Te Pīkari Pipi, Angie Belcher, Lily Uivel, Pānia Papa (translator) (Scholastic New Zealand)
Ko Ngā Whetū Kai o Matariki. Ko Tupuānuku rāua ko Tupuārangi, Miriama Kamo, Zak Waipara,
Ariana Stevens (translator) (Scholastic New Zealand)
Hineraukatauri me Te Ara Pūoro, Elizabeth Gray, Rehua Wilson (Huia Publishers)
Young Adult

Gracehopper, Mandy Hager (One Tree House)
Migration, Steph Matuku (Huia Publishers)
Junior Fiction

Take Me To Your Leader, Leonie Agnew, Paul Beavis (Penguin Random House NZ)
Nine Girls, Stacy Gregg (Penguin Random House NZ)
Brown Bird, Jane Arthur (Penguin Random House NZ)
The Raven's Eye Runaways, Claire Mabey (Allen & Unwin)
The Grimmelings, Rachael King (Allen & Unwin)
Brave Kāhu and the Pōrangi Magpie, Shelley Burne-Field (Allen & Unwin)
Children of the Rush - Book 3, James Russell (Dragon Brothers Books)
Jason Mason and the Dastardly Master of Disguise, Jason Gunn, Andrew Gunn (Bateman Books)
Pipi and Pou and the Firewoman, Tim Tipene, Isobel Joy Te Aho-White (One Tree House)
Koro's Star, Claire Aramakutu (Scholastic New Zealand)
Picture Books

The Very Best Words, Erin Munro, Sarah Trolle (Hachette Aotearoa New Zealand)
Hatch and Match, Ruth Paul (Walker Books Australia)
Watson the Detective Dog, Susan Brocker, Jenny Cooper (Scholastic New Zealand)
Spotty the Zebra, Peter Millett, Raymond McGrath (Scholastic New Zealand)
The Squeakling: The tale of Spike, Max and the tiny intruder, Kristin Kelly, Ronja Schipper
(Scholastic New Zealand)
The Little Witch Who Lost Her Broom!, Elaine Bickell, Raymond McGrath (Scholastic New Zealand)
Beddy-Bye Time in the Kōwhai Tree, Juliette MacIver, Lily Uivel (Scholastic New Zealand)
Elephant Park, Melanie Koster, Jenny Cooper (Scholastic New Zealand)
Find out more: https://www.storylines.org.nz/awards/storylines-notable-book-awards/storylines-notable-book-lists-2024/