Brand new fiction to curl up with on a cold winter's day

Take a look at the very latest fiction by authors from Aotearoa. Dive into everything from contemporary fiction to thrilling crime, fantasy to historical fiction, to poetry.

Winter reading fiction covers asset

Is winter the best time to curl up with a good book? We think so! Find a new favourite from this selection of new fiction from our Winter Reading catalogue.
View the full catalogue here.

Browse the full reading list below and learn more about these books on Kete, find reviews of: 17 Years Later, Amma, All that We Know, Ash, Black Silk and Sympathy, The Call, Max, The Mess We Made, Performance, Return to Blood, The Space Between, Still Is.

Read an interview with poet Majella Cullinane and an extract from her collection Meantime.

Check out the reading list...