Te Wheketere Moemoeā
Reviewed by Nā Zara Duggan, nā Te Aranga Khamal (10), nā Linko Merito te arotake nei
Nā Steph Matuku
Nā Zak Ātea ngā pikitia
Nā Zara Duggan, nā Te Aranga Khamal (10), nā Linko Merito te arotake nei
Kia ora koutou. I pānui mātou i tēnei pukapuka, arā, Ko Te Wheketere Moemoeā te ingoa. He rōreka ngā whakaaro o tēnei pukapuka ki a mātou. Anei ngā painga.
He pai ki a mātou ngā whakaaro i ngā pikitia. Te maha hoki o ngā tae me ngā mea ka kitea.
Ko tō mātou tino kiripuaki, ko Kererū, nā te mea i āwhina ia i te wā o ngā moepapa.
Ko te wāhanga o te pukapuka e wehi nei mātou, ko te wā o ngā moemoeā, nā te mea i tino pai ngā tae ki a mātou. He maha ngā whakaaro i roto i te wāhanga rā, pēnā i te pōuri o te tangata ki te kore e moemoeā.
He pai tēnei pukapuka mā te tamaiti 9-12 te pakeke, nā te mea he wāhanga e mataku ana i te pīpī paopao.

Ngā mihi ki a Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School
E whakahahaki ana mātou i ētahi o ngā pukapuka, he hou, he mīharo anō hoki. He pukapuka ēnei mā ngā kaipānui tamariki kua tuhia ki te reo Māori. Ko wai atu hei whakatakoto i ō rātou whakaaro, i tua atu i ngā kaipānui tamariki? Kua tuku mai ngā ākonga o te Manga Rumaki Reo o Te Kura o Te Uru Karaka i ā rātou arotake mō ngā pukapuka hou e whitu. Pānuitia mai
Young reader reviews. 'We liked the ideas in the the pictures. There are lots of colours and things to see...'
Written by Steph Matuku
Illustrations by Zak Ātea
Reviewed by Zara Duggan, Te Aranga Khamal (10), and Linko Merito
Hello everyone. We read this book, titled Te Wheketere Moemoeā. We think the ideas in this book are lovely. Here are the highlights.
We liked the ideas in the pictures. There are lots of colours and things to see.
Our favourite character is Kererū because they help when the nightmares come.
The part of the book that impressed us was when the dreams arrived because we really liked the colours. That section contains many thoughts, like the sadness of people who don’t dream.
This book is suitable for children aged 9-12 because there are parts that might scare younger kids.
Thanks to Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School
We’re spotlighting some of the new and awesome books for young readers published in te reo Māori. And who better to give their opinions than young readers themselves! The students from Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School’s Māori Language Immersion Unit/ Rumaki Reo have filed their reviews on seven new books. Read more