R. de WolfAuthor

R. de Wolf was born on the East Coast of New Zealand and is of Maori descent. After leaving New Zealand to travel the world, she lived overseas for 29 years, returning to New Zealand in 2014. Currently, she resides in Sunny Turanganui-a-Kiwa - Gisborne. The call to write came home with her. In 2020 R. de Wolf published her debut fiction novel, Guardians of the Ancestors - Book One of the Spirit Voyager Series, and short-story Crushed Violet, in Kaituhi Rawhiti - A Celebration of East Coast Writers. In 2021 The Future Weavers - Book Two launched in November, and a book of poems, Poetry in a Pear Tree, was published in December. De Wolf writes about the issues she is passionate about - equality, women's rights, the balance of nature, and the spiritual connection to our ancestors and place. A self-confessed nerd and Sci-Fi fan, The Goodness Algorithm is R. de Wolf's first dystopian novel.

Books by R. de Wolf...