A reading list for Verb Readers and Writers Festival
We’ve studied the programme and compared notes with Kete’s reviewers to create a reading list for some of this weekend's Verb events.
Verb Readers and Writers Festival has begun! We’ve studied the programme and compared notes with Kete’s reviewers to create a reading list for some of the Saturday and Sunday events at the festival.

Saturday 9 November
The event (and book title): Sight Lines
The author: Kirsty Baker
The review: Jade Kake writes this book ‘is a taonga’. Read more.
The event: How We Write: Whakapapa Māori
The books and authors: Emma Hislop (Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha, Kāi Tahu) Ruin; Michelle Rahurahu (Ngaati Rahurahu, Ngaati Tahu-Ngaati Whaoa) Poorhara; Shilo Kino (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Te Ata) All That We Know and Talia Marshall (Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Takihiku) Whaea Blue.
The reviews:
Whaea Blue
All that We Know (also in te reo Māori)
The event: External Memory
The book: Bad Archive
The author: Flora Feltham
The review: Becs Tetley writes ‘Feltham so beautifully illustrates, it is in the spaces between the things we leave behind where the real story exists.’ Read more.
The event: The People’s Game Rugby League Today
The book: Rugby League in New Zealand
The author: Ryan Bodman
The review: Michael Burgess writes ‘a masterpiece of its genre’. Read more.
The event: The Annual NZSA Janet Frame Memorial Lecture
The book: Laughing at the Dark
The author: Barbara Else
The review: ‘The most potent parts of the book are the most personal’ writes Linda Herrick. Read more.
Sunday 10th November
The event: The Mermaid Chronicles Megan Dunn with Kim Hill
The book: The Mermaid Chronicles
The author: Megan Dunn
The review: ‘Megan picks up her story in a fertility clinic, where – facing down 40, a dead-end office job and fluctuating feelings of inadequacy – her eggs are being assessed for IVF viability’ writes Claire Williamson. Read more.
The event: Writing Labour Histories
The book: Blood and Dirt: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand
The author: Jared Davidson
The review: David Veart writes ‘this powerful book describes yet another hidden layer in the history of these islands’. Read more.
The event (and book and author): Talia Marshall: Whaea Blue
The review: Jade Kake writes ‘I’m still trying to pin down my thoughts, which remain slippery, the story soaking through me and permeating through my skin. It will linger with you…’. Read more.
The event (and book and author): Susie Ferguson: Bloody Minded
The review: ‘Susie Ferguson lays bare her violent experiences as a war correspondent – and her equally violent experiences of coming to grips with her severe endometriosis’ writes Claire Williamson. Read more.
The event (and book and author): Becky Manawatu: Kataraina
The review: ‘For me the real triumph of Kataraina is Manawatu’s literariness and intensely lyrical writing,’ says reviewer Kelly Ana Morey. Read more.